Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I Do Not know the scent of your hair when you were twelve
I Do Not know how smooth your hands were when you were a young girl
I Do Not know your what your favorite hiding spot was when you played hide and go seek
I Do Not know what you named your dolls
I Do Not know who you looked up to
I Do Not know who protected you
I Do Not know what eased your mind when you worried
I Do Not know how you gained the strength you have today

I Know what your hair smells like now when it brushes my face as you lean in to hug me
I Know how soothing your hands were when I felt them as you walked me safely across the street
I Know what you named me
I Know I look up to you
I Know you are my protector
I Know you have loving words that ease my heart ache
I Know you are a single mother
I Know you are not just a mother
You are my

He loves me not.
I hold the last petal in the center of my Spring scented palm
The air is still and calm
My heart is rapid and aching--hot
How did I get here?
How did we get here?
I reach for another delicate piece of hope
but only dirt and green stems surround me
I plucked off all the petals from the beautiful daisies
There is no hope for us left
He loves me not.


  1. :) Nadia, I like how you used the list poem idea. Your second poem has some enjambment and also it has empahsis on the "He loves me not" phrase which states that there is a sense of loss and realization at the same time.
    I love the ending of your list poem. Truly, a mother is like any other, but so hard to find.


  2. Thanks, I like the list idea:) it helped me to organize my thoughts!
